I’m legal! I’m legal! Ordered my first drink. Yay me!

Last night at a bar, I met a bunch of other international students. Most are from Orlanda, the Netherlands and 2 were from Belgium. I’m going to skip over the part where I obsessed over Belgium (Belgica). Although we’re all here to learn or practice Spanish, we spoke mainly in English (Amelia don’t kill me <3) and they sometimes switched to Dutch. Thanks to a friend from the Netherlands who studied at Geneseo last year, I knew one phrase: Nouken en da kouken. They corrected my pronunciation and brought about a round of laughter. You’d understand if you knew what it meant. So of course I got them to teach me some other words in Dutch.

Finally came the dreaded dancing. Only 2 girls and myself went dancing. While on a couch relaxing with some drinks, one of them, Gilly, asked me to point out a guy that looked cute. I saw a guy in blue jeans that fit his but perfectly, facing the other way. He was broad shouldered and from the back looked like he could be cute… except later during “Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, over here…” he started shaking his has in a way only a gay guy could.

Boys 1 Tahlia 0

At least she didn’t laugh at me too much. Yeah, we cracked up. Later a guy with glasses asked me to dance. Thinking lovingly of the IB, I politely declined. Instead he danced with my friend. They actually danced; the spins, twirls and all. So later when he asked me to dance again, I accepted. Had no idea what I was doing. I feel like I like to lead while dancing. So he was trying to twirl me one way, I was doing some other thing. And then he kept on getting really close. Back up dude!!! Not kissing you. Shoo.

Today, my Belgium roommate came, Maria. We explored the city. Guess what I didn’t forget? My camera!!!!

Rain, rain go away
Rain, rain go away
the gold circle on top represents the sun gd for the Incas, a change of design since the Spanish stole all the gold including the original design
the gold circle on top represents the sun gd for the Incas, a change of design since the Spanish stole all the gold including the original design


It started raining really heavily suddenly. Apparently it does that. Luckily I got those pictures without hurting my camera.

Then the sun came out in full force. A wonderful summer day, minus me being in a pair of black jeans. So we saw this park. Who wouldn’t want to lay on that grass on a nice summer day? Nearly fell asleep there. And then my legs were burning and my feet, inside my black boots were burning. It felt great. 😀

Doesn't this look wonderful to lay on
Doesn’t this look wonderful to lay on
Incan sun temple
Incan sun temple
Getting better at this selfie thing
Getting better at this selfie thing


P.S. How’s the weather by you?

Heyyyyy hows the weather by you?

P.P.S I doubt I’ll keep up posting so constantly.